Multus home es, Naso, neque tecum multus homost qui
descendit: Naso, multus es et pathicus.
Literal translation by Celia Zukofsky:
Much a man you are, Naso, and that you much a man it is who
comes down: Naso, much you are and pathetic/lascivious.
Cornish edition in the Loeb Classical Library (used by the Zukofskys):
You are many men's man, Naso, but not many men go down town with you: Naso, you are many men's man and minion.
Peter Green (2005):
You're such a macho guy, Naso, yet few other macho guys seek your
company. How so? Naso, you're macho—and a queen.
The Zukofskys's homophonic version (1969)
Mool ’tis homos,’ Naso, ’n’ queer take ’im mool ’tis ho most he
descended: Naso, mool ’tis – is it pathic, cuss.
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